Subject | Board | Code |
Art and Design (Fine Art) | AQA | 8202 |
Biology | AQA | 8461 |
Business Studies | Pearson Edexcel | 1BS0 |
Chemistry | AQA | 8462 |
Computer Science | AQA | 8520 |
Dance | AQA | 8236 |
Design and Technology: Graphic Products | Pearson Edexcel | 1DT0/1B |
Design and Technology: Resistant Materials | Pearson Edexcel | 1DT0/1F |
Design and Technology: Food Preparation and Nutrition | AQA | 8585 |
Drama | Pearson Edexcel | 1DR0 |
English Language | WJEC (Eduqas) | C700QS |
English Literature | WJEC (Eduqas) | C720QS |
French | Pearson Edexcel | 1FR0 |
Geography | Pearson Edexcel | 1GB0 (Geog B) |
German | Pearson Edexcel | 1GN0 |
History | AQA | 8145 |
Mathematics | Pearson Edexcel | 1MA1 |
Media Studies | WJEC (Eduqas) | C680QS |
Music | Pearson Edexcel | 1MU0 |
Physical Education | Pearson Edexcel | 1PE0 |
Physics | AQA | 8463 |
Religious Education (full course) | WJEC (Eduqas) | C120P2 |
Science Combined: Trilogy | AQA | 8464 |
Spanish | Pearson Edexcel | 1SP0 |
Subject | Board | Code |
Art and Design (Fine Art) | AQA | 7202 |
Art and Design (Textile Design) | AQA | 7204 |
Art and Design (Photography) | AQA | 7206 |
Biology | OCR | H420 |
Business Studies | Pearson Edexcel | 9BS01 |
Chemistry | AQA | 7405 |
Computer Science | AQA | 7517D (Python) |
Design and Technology: Product Design | AQA | 7552 |
Drama and Theatre | Pearson Edexcel | 9DR0 |
English Literature | WJEC (Eduqas) | A720QS |
French | Pearson Edexcel | 9FR0 |
Further Mathematics | Pearson Edexcel | 9FM0 |
Geography | Pearson Edexcel | 9GE0 |
Government and Politics | Pearson Edexcel | 9PL0 |
History | AQA | 7042 |
Mathematics | Pearson Edexcel | 9MA0 |
Music | Pearson Edexcel | 9MU0 |
Physics | AQA | 7408 |
Psychology | AQA | 7182 |
Psychology* | AQA | 7181 |
Religious Studies | WJEC (Eduqas) | A120PA |
Sociology | AQA | 7192 |
Spanish | Pearson Edexcel | 9SP0 |
* AS Level
Subject | Board | Code | Completion date |
Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | LN511 | 2019 (K reg) |
National Extended Certificate in Performing Arts Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | UXA78 | 2019 (K reg) |
Extended Certificate in Performing Arts Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | UXA78 | 2020 |
Subsidiary Diploma in Production Arts Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | LN511 | 2020 |
Sport Level 1/2 First Award | Pearson Edexcel | BRF96 | 2019 (K reg) |
Sport Level 1/2 First Award | Pearson Edexcel | BPNM4 | 2020 |
Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness) Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | SU133 | 2019 (K reg) |
Diploma in Sport (Development, Coaching and Fitness) Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | SU133 | 2020 |
Travel and Tourism First Award Level 1/2 | Pearson Edexcel | SHU96 | 2019 |
Health and Social Care National Diploma Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | UMD99 | 2020 |
Health and Social Care National Diploma Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | UMD99 | 2019 (K reg) |
Film and Television Production National Diploma Level 3 | Pearson Edexcel | UGP72 | 2019 (K reg) |
Creative Digital Media Production First Award Level 1/2 | Pearson Edexcel | HDF64 | 2019 |
Creative Digital Media Production First Award Level 1/2 | Pearson Edexcel | UGP72 | 2020 |
Subject | Board | Code |
Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) | AQA | 7993 |
Certificate of Personal Effectiveness (CoPE) | ASDAN | Details |
Certificate in Digital Applications (CiDA) | Pearson Edexcel | CDA20 |
Cambridge National in Information Technologies | OCR | J808 |
Child Development Certificate Level 1/2 | OCR | J818 |
Food Science and Nutrition Level 3 Diploma | WJEC (Eduqas) | 4563QD |
Entry level Certificate in Mathematics | Pearson Edexcel | NMA0 |