Music Lessons

We are very proud of the high standard of music at Lytchett Minster School. The orchestra, bands, choirs and various other musical groups are an integral part of our school life. At present, tuition is available during the school day as follows:

2025 / 2026 Prices Duration Cost per lesson
Individual 20 minutes £11.85
Group of two 20 minutes £6.05
Individual 30 minutes £17.80
Group of two 30 minutes £8.95
Group of three 30 minutes £5.95
2024 / 2025 Prices Duration Cost per lesson
Individual 20 minutes £11.30
Group of two 20 minutes £5.65
Individual 30 minutes £16.90
Group of two 30 minutes £8.45
Group of three 30 minutes £5.65

Please note that it is not always possible to guarantee exact group sizes.

Available instruments        
Cello Bassoon Cornet Drums Double Bass
Clarinet French horn Orchestral percussion Viola Oboe
Tenor horn Jazz piano* Violin Saxophone Trombone
Piano* Acoustic guitar Flute Trumpet Keyboard*
Bass Guitar Recorder Tube Voice Electric guitar
Euphonium Ukulele      

* individual lessons only

Important things to remember when applying for music lessons

It is the student's responsibility to find out the times of and attend their lessons. Refunds will not be given for missed lessons.

If you wish to terminate lessons at any time, you must provide written notice by the dates provided in the terms and conditions below. Lessons will not stop immediately - they will continue after notice is given until the termination date provided in the terms and conditions. This is roughly half a term after the notice date.

Terms and Conditions

Staff obligations
It is expected that staff will:

  • Organise an up-to-date rotating timetable and make alterations if necessary.
  • Encourage and motivate students to learn, practise and improve.
  • Reward students for good work using the schools’ commendation systems.
  • Teach music notation and aural training.
  • Write an annual report for students
  • Prepare students for performance assessments at GCSE, AS and A level.
  • Enter students for external instrumental examinations if appropriate.
  • Keep a weekly lesson register, to be submitted half-termly to the Music Office
  • Offer one pupil concert/parent consultation each year.
  • Undergo annual performance management

Student expectations
It is expected that students will:

  • Check noticeboards for lesson timetables.
  • Attend their lessons on time.
  • Bring their music to lessons.
  • Bring their notebook to lessons and refer to it during the week.
  • Bring their instrument to lessons.
  • Regularly practice their instrument at home in preparation for their lessons.
  • Participate in extra-curricular activities organised by the music department.

Parental expectations
It is expected that parents will:

  • Pay bills promptly
  • Encourage their son/daughter on their instrument.
  • Purchase any music and instrumental accessories that are required.
  • Remind their son/daughter of their lessons.
  • Read and sign lesson notebooks weekly to ensure good communication with the teacher.
  • Do their best to provide a quiet environment where their son / daughter can practise.

Examination entries
Associated Board Music Exams will be held at Lytchett Minster School in the Spring and Summer term of each year. Students may be entered for external instrumental exams by their school each term at the recommendation of their teacher – this is handled by the Music Office. Students may need to provide (and pay for) their own accompanist. There may also be aural sessions provided which we would encourage your son/daughter to attend.

Financial support
If you would like your son/daughter to have instrumental lessons but cannot afford to pay for them, please apply to the school for financial assistance, or for suggestions on musical charities that may help. Students entitled to the pupil premium will be given a subsidy of £16.60 for each half term’s fees

Instrument hire
Some instruments are available for hire at an annual rate of £60. If you wish to hire an instrument please tick the relevant box on the application form. Keyboards, pianos, drum kits and bass/electric guitars are not normally available for hire.

Arrangement of lessons
We will endeavour to meet your group-size requirements, but this may not always be possible. The instrumental music staff may need flexibility during the academic year to alter group sizes for the following reasons:

  1. Individual pupils’ progress within the group.
  2. Commencement/termination of lessons by pupils.

Any alteration of these group sizes, for whatever reason, will only take place at the beginning of each half term. You will be consulted prior to any changes taking place.

Payment for lessons
You will either be billed by the Music Office, or independently by your son’s/daughter’s instrumental teacher. In each case fees for instrumental music tuition at the rates stated on page 1 of the application form will usually need to be paid half-termly, in advance, on an ‘average billing’ system of 5.5 lessons per half term (we aim to provide your son / daughter with 33 lessons over the course of the academic year). You will usually be billed in or around the second week of each half term. You also have the option to pay by direct debit. Failure to pay promptly will result in the possibility of your son/daughter’s instrumental peripatetic music lessons being withdrawn. If your son / daughter does not receive 33 lessons over the course of the academic year, we will alter the final bill of the year to reflect the correct number, or if necessary provide you with a refund.

It is the student’s responsibility to attend their arranged lessons. Instrumental music staff cannot be expected to deal with absence, although the Head of the Music Department will be notified by the instrumental teaching staff for persistent absence and will deal with the matter accordingly. We are unable to provide refunds when the teacher is available and the student is absent for whatever reason (including sickness, lateness or forgetfulness!). In exceptional circumstances (for example school trips and examinations) with at least two weeks written notice given directly to the teacher, the teacher may try and provide the lesson at another time.

Stopping lessons
If your son/daughter wishes to discontinue lessons for any reason, please be aware that the Music Office requires notice in writing as per the dates listed below. If you do not let us know by these dates lessons will automatically continue and you will be charged accordingly.

Notification to be received in writing by Discontinuation of lessons not to effect before
20 October 2023 2 January 2024
15 December 2023 19 February 2024
9 February 2024 15 April 2024
28 March 2024 3 June 2024

Students in examination years
Students in Years 11 and 13 will automatically have their lessons terminated at the end of the first half of the Summer Term unless their parents wish them to continue (if so please put this in writing to the Music Office). Year 12 students will normally continue during exam leave, but will have the option to stop lessons during this period if notice is given. They may wish to negotiate with their teachers to try to ensure, where possible, and with adequate notice as detailed above, that their lessons do not clash with their examinations.

Music Lessons Application

Music Lessons Application
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