IMPORTANT Please click here to read information from SWI regarding ordering school uniform at this time
Lytchett Minster School is a workplace. Consequently, the dress code must reflect a traditional school working environment rather than recreation and leisure. Students are expected to present themselves correctly and tidily at all times - both in school and on the way to and from school, or when involved in offsite trips or visits. This not only helps to maintain the high standards of the school, it is also a good training for later life and, with some aspects of the code, is of course vital for workshop and laboratory health and safety.
Once in the Sixth Form, students are expected to adopt a mature approach to uniform, meaning a dress code that mirrors the high standards expected in business.
Ordering School Uniform
Uniform may be ordered online by clicking here.
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
The School has set up a second hand uniform shop. This relies solely on donations which are sold on at reasonable prices. The uniform shop will be open roughly once a month; however appointments can be made if required. For information on what is in stock please email uniform@lytchett.org.uk.
If you would like to donate uniform, please send it in to main school reception marked for the attention of the Uniform Shop.
Uniform Hardship Fund
In order to support those families with difficult financial circumstances who need to purchase school uniform, a hardship fund has been created. The school will consider written or email applications, with supporting evidence, for financial support towards the cost of buying uniform on an individual basis. For students in Years 7 - 11 who are in receipt of free school meals, a sum of £75 per child, per academic year, will be refunded to parents. Families in receipt of other benefits, e.g. carer's allowance, may qualify for a further discretionary payment from the hardship fund.
Applications should be made in confidence to:
Kieren Hasler
Business Manager
Lytchett Minster School
Post Green Road
Lytchett Minster
BH16 6JD
Email: haslerk@lytchett.org.uk
Please note that payments are only made on production of a receipt showing the purchase of school uniform from the official school suppliers (Sportswear International, A F Joy, Wareham, The School Uniform Shop (online) or Marks and Spencer) only.
Please provide your bank account details with the application and payments will be made directly into your bank once approved.
- Account Name
- Sort Code
- Account Number